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Minnesota Flat Fee MLS

Minnesota Flat Fee MLS Listing Service

How Minnesota Flat Fee MLS Works

flat fee mls exposure


Minnesota Flat Fee MLS Listing
Your property will be listed on your local MLS and on for 6 Months or Until Sold.
There are NO cancellation fees, NO hidden fees. And NO additional charges.

  • Your property on your local MLS, the same MLS used by all Real Estate Brokers.
  • Your property will also be on® at no additional cost!
  • Up to 25 photos onto your local MLS depending on the listing package.
  • You set the commission to the buyer’s agent. (traditionally 2% to 3%, but it’s up to you)
  • If you find your own buyer you retain your right to sell it yourself and pay NO additional fees or commissions to anybody. Keep Your Hard Earned Equity in Your Pocket!
  • You easily work with the buyers and schedule showings, & negotiate your offers. Your name and contact number is displayed for agents on the *MLS as the direct contact. All buyer leads go directly to you.
  • Your house will be automatically syndicated and displayed on popular real estate sites like Coldwell Banker®, RE/MAX®, Keller Williams®, Zip Realty®, Century 21®, and others where thousands of local buyers search.
  • Your house will be featured on top national websites like®, Yahoo®, Trulia®, Zillow®, REDFIN, where buyers from around the country search for their next home.
  • As soon as your property gets listed you can share your professional listing on Social Media or email it to friends and family.
  • You also get all the required state disclosure forms.
  • Cancel at anytime for any reason. No Fee!

*The Local MLS doesn’t allow the owners contact information displayed on the Public MLS data. However your contact info and showing instructions will be available to all Realtors®